For the first time, Vintage Bazaar at RVC!

We divided the event itself into several parts and touched on different topics: women, fashion, age, style. What do our generations have in common? How have all these topics changed over the years?
We talked a lot, discussed and expressed our opinions.
We held a master class from @pixie.workshops, where we made polymer clay brooches. The work was carried out in pairs volunteer / elderly, which was very liked by all participants. Most importantly, the acquired skills can now be applied in workshops with other project participants.

All the brooches will be donated by our volunteers as a gift to sedentary lonely elderly people who have birthdays in July.
There was also a fascinating lecture from Sasha, the founder of the vintage room store and a blogger (vintage.room). At the lecture, we heard about the intersection of the fashion of the USSR and modern times. We talked about what details you can complement your style, adding emphasis to the image and what is relevant to wear now. We talked about expiration dates. Tamara Nusinkis joined Sasha’s lecture — an elderly woman who in Soviet times was the head of the House of Life of the Moldavian SSR. Tamara talked about the exchange of goods among the republics and deliveries abroad during the Soviet era.

Thanks to our meeting, we realized that this format is very interesting for all participants, and the difference between generations is not so big. Boundaries are only in our heads.
The participants of the meeting decided to create a joint project in which the theme of fashion, style, beauty, customs will be developed in different eras between generations. We are sure it will be something interesting!

Thanks to everyone who took part. Special thanks to Black Rabbit for the location, Pixie Workshop, as well as Sasha and Tamara for interesting workshops and lectures. See you at new meetings!