Volunteer Vacancies Fair 2023
Year after year, this event provides an opportunity to learn about volunteer projects in Chisinau. This year, for example, seven organizations and one animal shelter, Barbos, were represented. Since 2014, over 1500 people interested in volunteer activities have participated in the event.

The directions presented by RVC included helping elderly people, working with families and children at risk, logistics for sports events, online volunteering, memory preservation and cultural heritage, environmental projects, animal welfare, and more. Everyone had the chance to find a suitable project based on their abilities and the time they were willing to dedicate to volunteering.
This year, for the first time, other youth organizations in Chisinau also participated in the fair, becoming part of the event and presenting their volunteer vacancies:
- AIESEC Moldova
- Alianța Națională YMCA din Republica Moldova
- Consiliul Municipal de Tineret din Chişinău
- AO CONCORDIA Proiecte Sociale Moldova
- AO Inițiativă Pozitivă
- Asociația Obşteașcă Centrul de Resurse “Tohateen Hub”

The Volunteer Vacancy Fair showcased current and inspiring volunteer projects to the residents of Chisinau. Participants enjoyed interesting sessions and workshops on various topics and had the opportunity to interact with project beneficiaries. During the event, there were five sessions, each with over 25 participants:
- Psychologist and business trainer Lyudmila Semina-Hitsu delivered a lecture on "I Am a Volunteer! Motivation, Support, and Burnout Prevention.
- "Ed Tech Project and brand manager Valentina Mikhalco conducted a practical session on "The Digital Age of Volunteering.
- "The RVC team held two workshops, where they crafted organizers for the elderly and sewed toys for the little ones. Immediately after the workshops, children and the elderly received their gifts.
- The concluding session featured a lecture from an expert in youth and volunteer development, Anna Bezeru, who discussed what the law says about volunteering and the advantages for volunteers.

A total of 300 people participated in the event, with 170 of them signing up for various volunteer activities. More than 1000 citizens passing through the pedestrian street on that day received leaflets and were informed about the volunteer activities of RVC and other volunteer organizations. Such events help attract more and more people to the vast world of volunteering. Thanks to everyone who joined us on that day!
The event was part of the RVC project "Volunteer School" of the 2023 grant program for youth organizations of the National Youth Development Agency.