Volunteer successes OCTOBER 2021

October is a great time when everything around is strewn with bright yellow, red leaves, children run in parks with their friends and parents.

This month we have started the lessons of the project «How does it work?» The project takes place online, but this does not stop the participants from joining the classes. The first meeting was an acquaintance, all participants remembered each other, and those who were not familiar found new friends. The topic of the meeting was acquaintance with the telephone. Our volunteer told how people used to communicate and transmit information to each other over long distances, and also talked about the era of phones, from huge devices that were not lifted to modern smartphones, which almost everyone has today. Education is an important stage in the life of every volunteer, because at such meetings our participants receive new knowledge that they can use in the future. At our training, the volunteers got acquainted with the topic of time management and effective distribution of time. Each volunteer learned how to distribute their tasks for the day and for the week in order to observe a positive result at the end of a certain period. Thanks to our meeting, each participant will now be able to qualitatively solve even more problems. On October 3, the Republican Volunteer Center celebrated the International Day of the Elderly Online. Volunteers and seniors from 3 cities met at the online forum It-Ded.

Such meetings have already become a good annual tradition, today the geography of this event has become wider — the cities of Balti and Rybnitsa have joined us. 3 hours of the forum flew by unnoticed in a large friendly company, we managed to connect more than 50 participants!

The program was rich and interesting for all ages: we talked about beauty, remedial gymnastics, family values ​​and heard the family story firsthand from Damaskina N.

We express our deep gratitude to the volunteer lecturers from 3 cities: Tatiana Skorokhod, Balti, P. Sobolev, Rybnitsa, R. Safronova, Chisinau.

At the end of the forum, genealogical trees were presented in the infographics of 2 elderly Chisinau — participants of the volunteer project «Genealogical Tree».

During the forum, everyone had the opportunity to ask questions to the lecturers, we learned about the secrets of preserving beauty at home, how to preserve our health without leaving home, and also got acquainted with the cycle of Jewish life from old postcards prepared by R. Safronova.

Thank you very much to everyone who took part in this important and very interesting event.

On October 17, within the framework of the project «The Origins of Mercy», together with the EKTs KEDEM team, our volunteers took part in the walking tour «Jewish Chisinau» In the rays of the autumn sun, we visited many interesting and ancient places with a very amazing history of creation. Among other things, we learned about the talented Jewish architects who lived on the territory of Moldova and left their mark on the formation of the culture and heritage of our city and people. After the excursion, the volunteers, together with the project coordinators, returned to the RVC, exchanged impressions over warm tea and treats.

In early October, the School of Repair project received an application to repair the sofa. He sagged a lot. Everything would be fine, but the application ended up in Straseni. This confused our volunteers a little, because we work only inside Chisinau, and Straseni outside it. But the project coordinator, Artem Stolyarenko, saw no obstacle in this. He quickly and efficiently found transport and two volunteers — Janis Bratanov and Pavel Teshu — who took up this business. The volunteers went to Straseni, took the old sofa from the elderly, transported it to the office of the “School of Repair”, where they changed the insides of one of the parts of the sofa and brought it back. Everything took about 9 hours. Fortunately, the work was not done in vain. Nina Zinovievna was very pleased, because now she again felt comfortable and soft to lie on her sofa and watch her favorite programs on TV.

The first days of October delight us with good weather and bright days for events! On October 3, a group of volunteers visited the Yuri Kharmelin Roz Street. Together we watched the play «Two on a Swing» directed by E. Bognibov about delicate human relationships. 2 hours flew by unnoticed, because the audience empathized with the characters and the emotional swing swayed up and down. No one remained indifferent, because the story is about feelings, about what almost everyone experienced at least once, regardless of age. Bravo to the artists and the director! We are grateful to the management of the GMDT «From Roz Street named after Yu. Kharmelin» for the opportunity to spend the first Sunday in October in a warm and sincere atmosphere.

Volunteering is primarily for the soul!

On October 8-10, the long-awaited educational seminar on planning VC Training was held for the RVC team and coordinators of volunteer projects from Balti and Rybnitsa. In three days, we mastered many topics: — Jewish education with a Jewish educator Reveka Safrona — team building, time management with a psychologist and business trainers Lyudmila-Semina Gitsu — were inspired by successful projects from our colleagues from the Volunteer Community of Ukraine, went deep into work with volunteers with our mentor Liora Arnon, analyzed the work of RVC and developed ideas for 2022. For the coordinators, after productive work, we held an interesting master class on drawing with wine, the technique of which we can use in the future for the work of projects. We would like to thank our main partners Joint for the opportunity to conduct the seminar and additional Good Deeds Day partners. On October 22, an online Shabbat took place in Rybnitsa within the framework of the «Origins of Mercy» project. It was very cozy and atmospheric. Volunteer Lilia Braga lit candles and read blessings, and Vita Kameneva introduced the guests of the meeting to the content of the chapter «Vayer». We talked about the hospitality of Abraham, about how our forefathers hurried to do good deeds, about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, about the birth of Isaac and the expulsion of Ishmael, and much more. The participants agreed that the chapter contains many lessons for us reading the Torah. Thank you very much to the Rybnitsa volunteers for the mood created today! Shabbat Shalom!