Volunteer Community Festival: offsite event

A day has passed for Volunteer Community Festival volunteers!

The last year was very eventful, we adjusted to the new world with restrictions, transferred all the volunteering of our Center online, tried to be as close to each other as possible, even if in the ZOOM format. There is only one conclusion from all this — none of this would have happened without our volunteers.

Time passed and we managed to get everyone together at the Volunteer Community Festival to meet everyone together, participate in master classes and just have a good time.

On August 15, the first large outdoor festival for volunteers of Moldova, Volunteer Community Festival, took place! This day gathered active volunteers from Moldova from 4 cities: Chisinau, Balti, Rybnitsa and Tiraspol. The day was full of meetings, acquaintances, interesting lecturers and master classes. During the day, each volunteer could choose 1 of 5 educational sessions: from business and management to achieving inner harmony in oneself and the whole world.

The second session of classes included workshops and master classes, where a choice of 6 activities was presented: oriental dances, painting eco-bags, developing public speaking skills, carving — decorating and composing whole compositions from fruits and vegetables.

100 volunteers had the opportunity to get to know each other at the Speed ​​Dating event, share their knowledge about volunteering in Moldova during a team quest.

But the surprises did not end there either!

During the day during the festival, the RVC presented a new photo exhibition dedicated to the volunteers — the heroes of the pandemic: «Pandemic volunteers. A year later.» Many participants were able to take pictures with their portraits and immediately upload photos to their personal pages on social networks. The eventful day ended with a concert of The Tramps, dancing, applause to each other and, of course, words of gratitude! After all, the day passed under the motto: «Festival of volunteers for volunteers!»

Thanks to all lecturers, participants and coordinators for making this summer day even brighter!

See you at the next events and projects of the Russian Exhibition Center!