Volunteer Center held the «Volunteer of the Year 2021» award ceremony

December 5 — International Volunteer Day. It was on this day that the team of the Republican Volunteer Center held the seventh annual Volunteer of the Year award ceremony in 2021, rewarding the most active volunteers of the center.

We would like to note that over 7 years of the event, more than 400 volunteer nominees received their awards, realizing that not a single good deed went unnoticed.

The «Volunteer of the Year» ceremony has become the most important event for volunteers, coordinators, partners — for everyone to whom the word «good» is not just a set of letters, but something really important, bearing love and value. The «Volunteer of the Year» ceremony was the culmination of the Hanukkah week at the KEDEM JCC, so it can rightfully be called a Hanukkah miracle! After a series of online meetings due to the situation in the world, the Volunteer of the Year 2021 ceremony returned to its usual format, where all the invited laureates could be present in the hall, enjoy the festive atmosphere and a rich program. This time, there were 95 active participants in the volunteer movement from 3 cities: Chisinau, Balti, Rybnitsa, as well as representatives of partner organizations that contributed to the development of volunteering in Moldova in 2021. The LIVE broadcast was attended by -500 people (Note that during the event, the organizers strictly followed all COVID security measures).

Of course, the main protagonists of the ceremony were the laureates of the award — this year there are 52 nominees. For the volunteers from Balti and Rybnitsa, this was the first ceremony at which they could get acquainted with the successes of their fellow volunteers from different cities. The ceremony began with the lighting of the 8th Hanukkah candle, which was the culmination and final stage of all Hanukkah events this week.

Volunteer of the Year laureates were awarded in 7 nominations: «Active of the Year» — the most active volunteers of the Russian Exhibition Center Breakthrough of the Year — volunteers who showed themselves in 2021 «Always in touch» — volunteers who remotely provide assistance through online programs and phone calls «Project of the Year — Healthy Vitamin Box» — a project of food safety, promotion of a healthy lifestyle among volunteers and clients «Hero of Our City» — a nomination celebrating the successes of the 12 most active volunteers in Balti and Rybnitsa «Partner of the Year» — it recognizes organizations that have repeatedly supported RVC campaigns and projects in 2021 during the year Volunteer by Vocation is a special nomination for those volunteers who have been participating in RVC projects for several years and cannot imagine their life without volunteering. Employee of the Year is an outstanding RVC team, without which no event can take place!

We thank the partners of the event for the opportunity to hold such an event: JDC Kishinev, Jewish Community of Moldova, EBC «HESED IEGUDA», We would like to thank the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova for supporting our projects throughout the year and the RVC volunteers at the “Volunteer of the Year” ceremony represented by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Research Mariana Stan.

We also thank all the partners-nominees for our award in 2021: Good Deeds Day — American Friends of Ruah Tova, Alvia Grup, Vladalina SRL, Colibri.md, papermax.md, FLO Master / CasaMoroșan, CAPAROL Moldova, OLDCOM Moldova, Oliva Restaurant , MovieMood, Gelibert — AQUA UNIQA, Kivork, Doctor Vet Moldova, MEC, Theater «From the street of Roses» them. Yu Harmelin. Public organization «Jewish Community Charitable and Cultural Center» Hesed «in Tiraspol., Charitable Jewish Center» Hesed Yaakov «.

Throughout the evening, we talked about our successes and achievements. Video clips were specially prepared, which perfectly described the main directions of the volunteer activities of our center. At the end of the program, a surprise awaited all the participants — the performance of the beloved Moldovan pop singer Nelly Ciobanu, who added even more colors that evening and will be remembered for a long time by all those present. We can say with confidence that miracles happen! The main thing is to believe and act! We express our gratitude to everyone who shared with us the brightest and brightest emotions of this evening and filled the hall with smiles, good mood and support. After all, we are one big team! After such a grand evening, the RVC coordinating team is looking forward to the next Volunteer of the Year ceremony.

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