Training for coordinators within the Call Center project

A talented volunteer coordinator is half the success in the work of our Center, because he is the most important person in working with volunteers!

A talented volunteer coordinator is half the success in the work of our Center, because he is the most important person in working with volunteers! He is a mother, brother, sister, boss and friend of all volunteers. This position is often described as the most difficult position in the organization. What should be a real coordinator? Of course, proactive, sociable, friendly, flexible and competent.

It has long been no secret that the work of a coordinator is a responsible business that requires special knowledge and skills. Working with volunteers, organizing their activities and helping to solve problems are one of the few responsibilities of the coordinators of the Republican Volunteer Center.

It is important for us that the coordinators know their business, grow and develop within the walls of the Center, and most importantly, be competent in solving their problems. Especially for this, we regularly conduct trainings and master classes aimed at improving their work and expanding knowledge.

One of these events took place on June 15th. Especially for coordinators within the framework of the Call Center project, a training was held with invited HR specialists — Anastasia Ilyicheva

The focus of the training was the following topics:

⁃ Recruiting volunteers

⁃ Interviewing

⁃ Management volunteers

⁃ Volunteer vacancies for Center projects

It is these topics that are so important in the work of the coordinator, because it is with these tasks that the introduction of the volunteer and his further success in volunteering begins.