The successes of the Volunteer Center in November

We are pleased to publish the successes of the RVC volunteers for the month of November 2021.

RVC events in November

On November 14, a seminar for volunteers of the «Origins of Mercy» project was held. The main topic of the meeting was «Quality interaction between an elderly client and a volunteer.»

Psychologist Lyudmila Semina-Gitsu held a useful training meeting on establishing communication between the elderly and the volunteer, taught how to avoid conflicts, and also provided the necessary tools for building personal boundaries and the ability to negotiate with elderly clients.

At a practical session from the coordinators of the «Origins of Mercy» project, the participants practiced how to get out of conflict situations in real situations. As a result of the session, together we created the «Code of Communication between the Volunteer and the Elderly».

Further, the volunteers showed their creative abilities at an exciting master class «drawing coffee» — an excellent option for art therapy, which can be further used in volunteer activities.

The seminar ended with a discussion of the issue of personal values ​​for work in the project. At the conditional «auction of values» everyone was able to choose the necessary values ​​for themselves, work in a volunteer team and high-quality communication with the elderly.

After analyzing all the information received, the volunteers were eventually able to initiate several new project ideas, which we all together will definitely implement in the coming 2022. We believe that the «Origins of Mercy» project will continue to develop and please as many volunteers and elderly clients as possible with its activities!

School repair

Informal meeting for volunteers

For the first time in a long time, an informal meeting was held at the Republican Volunteer Center, where the guests enjoyed the cheerful atmosphere, soulful live music, and also tried to show their musical talents. Within the framework of the new project «Musical Hour», anyone could go on stage and sing the song they would like.

The main part of the event was conducted by the coordinator of the «School of Repair» project, Stolyarenko Artyom. Our presenter performed about 10 songs, accompanied by live guitar playing. This was the first meeting of the Open Microphone format within the walls of our Center.

Further — more and, jokes aside, our event is not at all secret! Anyone can take part in the next «Musical Hour», where you can give free rein to your musical talents and have a great time in a good and friendly company.

We are waiting for your visit!

The execution of applications in the «School of Repair» is under way, but it is not limited by them. At the end of November, the coordinator of the «School of Repair» Stolyarenko Artyom noticed the damaged property of the Jewish center KEDEM. Artyom entered the assembly hall, and while the next event was taking place there, he decided to sit in the audience seats. It turned out that he sat on a seat with a broken back in half. Without thinking for a long time, Artyom dismantled the back of the chair, and began to restore it, as he thought, why not do a good deed for the Jewish center itself. Within a few days Artyom managed to find a suitable piece of wood panel 60x80cm from the old cabinet and together with the volunteer Bratanov Janis they got to work.

Within 3 hours, the guys replaced the broken wooden panel with a new one, having previously cut a piece to the desired size, laid the foam rubber and applied the cladding. In total, the entire work took 4 days, 2 of which were spent searching for material. The result was as if nothing had happened.

The backrest from the seat is mounted back to its proper place and can be further used for its intended purpose, and the School of Repair has once again proved that it is not afraid of difficulties and is always ready to help, not only the elderly, but also its beloved center.

November 19 — Musical Shabbat of 3 generations

Shabbat is a small holiday that happens to us every week! This is a great time when you can meet friends and comrades, get a big friendly family and remember the bright events of the past days.

On Friday, November 19, we had a Family Musical Shabbat, which was attended by volunteers from the Russian Exhibition Center, teenagers of the Haverim youth platform, as well as the families of the Haverim Junior project.

A surprise awaited the guests at our meeting! Pupils of the music school of Evgeny Dogi sang beautiful Jewish songs. The performance turned out to be incredibly interesting, sincere and memorable.

After the concert, a musical game awaited everyone. Parents with their children, volunteers and teenagers in groups, had to complete musical tasks, namely: guess songs, performers, and also remember music videos.

All the participants left with a good mood and a desire to get together again to celebrate Shabbat.


Every Sunday in November, our Republican Center hosts the «Smart kids» project — these are meetings with children from 5 to 7 years old. Volunteers conduct interactive games, solve logic puzzles with the participant, draw by numbers and also get acquainted with famous pieces of music.

November 21 — Seminar of the Call Center project

On November 21, an educational seminar was held within the framework of the Call Center project, in which

17 volunteers participated. The main goal of the seminar was a deliberate approach to communication on the phone: from the characteristics of the target audience to determining the purpose and specifics of each call within the framework of the project and volunteering in general. Throughout the day, the volunteers, who rarely meet all together due to the specifics of the project (individual schedules), got to know each other, exchanged valuable knowledge that they gained through experience (each participant had previously had experience of communicating on the phone with different ages) Together, we made a portrait the ideal interlocutor is what every volunteer of the project should strive for. We also presented the possibilities of the project and types of assistance by phone for new volunteers. The seminar was conditionally divided into 2 parts: theoretical — where cases from practice were discussed, basic rules for communicating on the phone with different age categories were drawn up, and practical — volunteers learned how to compose a competent text of a telephone conversation and got acquainted with the technical capabilities of the RVC. We believe that the knowledge gained will be actively applied in practice in the near future, because the ability to conduct a dialogue is a very important quality for any volunteer!

Volunteer Coordinator Day

November 5 is a special day for our team and for all coordinators of volunteer organizations! After all, it is on this day that we celebrate the “Day of the Volunteer Coordinator”.

As part of the event, our team congratulated all colleagues who coordinate volunteer projects of the Republican Volunteer Center.

We are very glad that every year our team is getting bigger, more friendly and conquering new heights of its professional activity.

World Day of Jewish Knowledge

On November 7, the volunteers of the Republican Volunteer Center became part of the large community event Global Day, which unites many people around the world. The theme of this day was «Connection between us» 30 people during 2 sessions from the RVC team studied the texts, shared their thoughts and feelings and in every possible way confirmed the main idea of ​​the day — no matter how different we are, there are many things that bind us together, such as : kindness, love, participation.