Teambuilding for volunteers

The Republican Volunteer Center hosted a teambuilding for volunteers in two areas: work with the elderly and work with children.

The Republican Volunteer Center hosted a teambuilding for volunteers in two areas: work with the elderly and work with children.

Throughout the summer, volunteers provided a variety of assistance in a variety of projects in two formats: online and offline, where they taught children and the elderly new skills. But after all, time at the RVC is not only about helping, but also about the opportunity to relax, study and meet new, just as kind and active volunteers.

Teambuilding is a team building meeting that gives our volunteers the opportunity to open up. We wanted to give newly-made volunteers the opportunity to meet more experienced people and learn about all the projects that are carried out within the walls of the RVC. We held the meeting in an entertaining format, during which each participant was able to find a game that is closer to him, as well as try to play games aimed at getting to know Jewish culture.

The program included games for the development of logical thinking and speed, and the volunteers also got acquainted with the Shtetl game, which was created by activists of the Haverim youth platform. In addition, we played Jewish loto and crocodile, where we guessed words in Hebrew. Everyone who joined us was able to realize their goal of the meeting, which pleases and proves that everything in our life is realizable.

In the RVC you can not only give good things, here you can expand your circle of acquaintances, make friends and gain a lot of experience. Join us and let’s make this world a little better together!