Successes of volunteers in OCTOBER

Every month we summarize the work of the Volunteer Center, bringing together all the results and achievements of our team.

For example, volunteers of the Center conducted creative classes and English lessons for children of the SEVIVON kindergarten. For several months now, our volunteers have been working on projects aimed at educating children in the Jewish kindergarten «SEVIVON». We have been cooperating with the kindergarten for more than a year, they often join our campaigns, in particular, the Bring Joy campaign.

Our volunteers weekly teach the children of the preparatory group various styles of dance, including modern Jewish dances, developing their plasticity and the ability to feel music. And, of course, we have not only mobile projects for children. As we know, knowledge of foreign languages ​​can lead to good results in the future. So there were classes for learning English in a playful way. In the classroom, children play, watch cartoons and sing songs in English. Kindergarten teachers and administration are very grateful to our cooperation and gladly accept new ideas from us.

Thanks to new volunteers and their fresh ideas, we have a new project in the direction of working with children — “Active Weekend”. It aims to hold weekly meetings where children from 7 to 10 years old can spend time and relax.

During the week, they go to school, to various courses and circles, where they receive a lot of new information.

This project allows you to learn through games, watching videos and cartoons without spending a lot of energy on it. At our meetings, children, together with volunteers, make applications, draw in various techniques. We have also added various activities to the project. Participants learn Jewish dances, and with the help of board games they learn the history and culture of Jewish holidays.

A long-standing project of the Center is “School ready”. Preparing children for school is an activity that does not lose its relevance, since every year children go to their first grade and it is important for parents that they start their school journey with basic knowledge. In September, we once again launched the School Ready project, in which our volunteers teach children aged 5-6 the knowledge they will need at school. Classes are held in an interactive form, children learn numbers, letters, soon they will begin to learn addition and subtraction, and of course, they will learn to read so that they can read fairy tales to themselves, and not ask their parents.

Parents are happy that we have such a project and that their children can learn new things here.

Of course, we do not forget about training for volunteers of the Center. So, in October, we conducted 2 supervisions with the psychologist of the Call Center project, as well as a training for volunteers of the Informing direction with psychologist L. Semina-Gitsu, where we discussed the topic of stress. In the process of calling, volunteers encounter unforeseen circumstances — this is information that they hear from clients: about illnesses, death of relatives, everyday problems. We discussed how to listen to this information without harm to ourselves, how to get out of a state of stress after such calls, how to behave with a client.

In October, the direction of the «ORIGINS OF MERCY» is actively working on the project CHISINAU CENTURY of the 20th CENTURY, the purpose of which is to preserve memory and transfer knowledge from generation to generation.

During the work of volunteers and the elderly, couples are formed, joint excursions around the city, educational meetings and trips to the theater are collectively held.

As experience has shown, positive dynamics and good feedback from the elderly and volunteers are shown by joint group meetings, within which new acquaintances are often born.

Seniors and volunteers visited:

— The play «Greetings from the other world.» The event became possible thanks to the gratuitous assistance of the Drama Theater. Chekhov, who provided 15 tickets for the elderly.

— Tour of the city by trolley bus, supported by the Department of Municipal Transportation, which was attended by more than 25 elderly people and 10 volunteers.

— An excursion to the art gallery, the theme of the visit is «Creativity of the inhabitants of the capital.» Thanks to partners — the Museum of Arts of the Republic of Moldova — 15 elderly people and 3 volunteers visited the tour.

Seminar “The Origins of Mercy”

Once every three months, educational seminars for volunteers are traditionally held in the direction of work with the elderly. As a result of the analysis of the needs of volunteers, it turned out that communication and exchange of experience with those like them is very important for them, so we have placed great emphasis on this.

The program was attended by a guest lecturer, a beauty specialist with over 25 years of experience, the owner of the LOYAL company — Margarita Deorditsa. Margarita held a session ABOUT LOVE FOR YOURSELF, where we learned about hair care. Participants discussed the main problems of hair care and received beauty tips. Volunteers also asked questions on the topic.

Of course, the seminar was not complete without our beloved psychologist Lyudmila Semina-Gitsu. She was talked to about the current needs of the elderly and how to identify them. They noted the importance of building personal boundaries of volunteers and ways to expand them.

Let’s not forget about our birthdays! This month, volunteers, via telephone, congratulated 85 people on their birthdays.