RVC successes in JUNE

The first day of summer came out as bright and productive as possible. With the entire team of the Center, we were very active in online and offline formats

Let’s start our story with our eco-promotions. The problem of environmental pollution has been worrying our Center for a very long time, so we devote a lot of time to this area. In June, we held the action «Clean Chisinau», where together with the volunteers the park on Botanica was cleaned. The team was able to clean not only the walking area, but also the lake from plastic and cellophane, which can kill fish living in the water.

«Earth is our home! Let’s take care of her!» — with such thoughts we met June 3, the date when “World Planet Day” is celebrated.

We all got together to clean up the park area on Florilor. Volunteers of the Center reacted quickly enough to participate in the action, so we managed to get together as soon as possible and clean up the territory.

Last month, we held eco-talks at the Day Center about the competent disposal of medicines with wards. During the month, meetings and events dedicated to the problems of ecology and environmental protection were held in the city of Chisinau. Together with a representative from the Council of Veterans of the Riscani sector, Mikhailichenko Sofia, the RVC initiated several meetings with elderly clients of the Day Center, where they talked about the competent sorting and disposal of various waste. Particular attention was paid to the disposal of medical waste and medicines. Each participant in the conversations received a memo — a recycling guide with detailed information on the importance of sorting and proper processing of garbage, as well as with medical waste collection points in the city of Chisinau

In June, we held a beading master class, realizing that communication and training of volunteers is one of the important steps in accompanying. Volunteers devote a lot of time to teaching children, running projects and helping the elderly. For creative people and those who are interested in learning and learning new things, volunteer Natalya held a creative master class on weaving beadwork in various ways. So the volunteers were able to create their own decorations for themselves and their friends.

We will not bypass our master class of volunteers and children, timed to coincide with Children’s Day — «Our hands can do anything!». At the master class, children and their parents learned how to make postcards together. By the end of the MK, each participant made his own unique postcard. Some of them will later go to the elderly, as congratulations on their birthday or anniversary.

Back at the Russian Exhibition Center, a new season of the dance project for children “We are dancing”, which was launched almost 2 years ago, started. During the summer holidays, volunteers who are professionals in their field will teach children Jewish dances. In addition, participants will be able to get acquainted with such areas as hip-hop, ballroom and folk dances.

In June, we did not forget about our smaller brothers. As part of the Give Lapu project, we visited the Necropolis animal shelter, where about 100 lonely dogs live, which were left without the care and affection of their owners. Volunteers spent time with four-legged friends, walked, played, and also pampered the pets with treats, gave care to animals that need it so much.

Did you cook with us for Shavuot? On June 3, volunteers and elderly clients of HESED took part in a big event dedicated to the Shavuot holiday. Together we prepared variations on the theme of dishes with dairy products — traditional dishes for the Day of the Giving of the Torah.

Volunteers managed to cook more than 20 dishes in 45 minutes, which were presented to the judgment of our kind and experienced jury! Not only taste was evaluated, but also presentation, design, creativity and team spirit! As a result, 2 teams of winners were identified, the participants of which received a memorable and useful gift. Namely, the recipe book 40 RECIPES OF MY JEWISH GRANDMA.

On June 12, a long-awaited meeting was held in the KEDEM-A Concert Hall “Remembering the Past”, at which Regina Semyonovna Tarutina, the heroine of the evening, shared her memories of post-war childhood with the volunteers. She told about the first days of the war, which she found in the city of Tula, about her father and aunt, who went through the war.

At the meeting, we heard poems and songs from our heroine. The main part of the evening was devoted to memories of military and post-war childhood. The Second World War caught Regina when she was 6 years old. Volunteers heard a story about pioneer camps that brought children together even during the war years. We talked about memories from Yasnaya Polyana, Karelia and Artek. Regina Semyonovna shared her photo archive and commented on the photos, each of which was accompanied by an interesting story.

You can talk with Regina for hours on various topics, because she always has something to tell about her life, about the historical events that she witnessed. We are already waiting for a new story from her as part of other projects of the Volunteer Center. Let’s remember the past with hope for a better future!

Well, on June 14, another meeting was held within the framework of the project «About self-love».

Often they don’t talk about love, they convince that it’s enough to “just feel”. We are convinced that all feelings are important

swear, draw parallels, especially when it comes to self-love.

Quite recently, we just had such a meeting “ABOUT LOVE FOR YOURSELF” together with Viola Borisovskaya. Theme: «inner film».

We talked about archetypes in cinema, examined all types, and also touched on their differences from each other. We learned to understand what archetypes are still hidden inside us, how to learn how to manifest them correctly.

After that, we had a warm dialogue in the “question-answer” format, because after the presentation of Viola, the participants had a lot of questions.

On the same day, June 14, another trip of elderly wards with volunteers to the National Museum of History took place. We express our special gratitude to Livia Sirbu for the excellent tour and the time spent. The elderly left many positive and warm responses after the meeting.

In the second half of the month, on June 21, an on-site master class was held as part of the Our Hands Can Do Anything project. The meeting took place in the Arboretum, where, having gathered all together, we enjoyed a warm summer evening in a pleasant company. At the master class, we made a unique pano from natural materials with our own hands, which will be handed over to our grandparents from the Origins of Mercy a little later. We want bright colors to please their everyday life.

At the meeting, the participants got to know each other. We noticed that the family hobby is becoming more and more popular in the RVC. Children really like to do good with their own hands, and moms like to relax in a free and comfortable environment. We promise that we will come up with new meetings, master classes and activities for all family members.

Our projects take place all over the country! For example, in Balti, within the framework of the «Sources of Mercy» we held a meeting for the holiday of Shavuot.

From May 31 to June 3, Hesed Yehuda clients from Balti listened to stories about Shavuot. The wards learned about the names of the holiday, numerous traditions, and also listened to a summary of Megillat Ruth (books of Ruth). Of particular interest was the explanation of the reason for the custom not to sleep on the night of Shavuot (tikkun leil Shavuot — correction of the night of Shavuot), but to study the Torah.

And of course, where without the “Point Exchange Ceremony”!

The main idea of ​​the event is the exchange of volunteer hours. And just recently, the volunteers got together to find out how many hours each of them managed to spend doing good deeds.

And as we know, time = useful gifts from the Republican Volunteer Center!

Some have decided to wait until the end of the year to earn points on certain items in our large updated range of promotional items. But there were many who exchanged their points for nice gifts from the RVC today!

During the meeting, the volunteers got to know each other, learned about the possibilities of the Ceremony, namely, what they can exchange their volunteer watches for. Most importantly, everyone set a goal for themselves — how many volunteer hours they need to accumulate before the end of the year in order to exchange them for the desired merchandise from the Center in winter.

Thank you for being with us in June! We’re moving on! Join us!