RVC successes AUGUST 2021

We are ready to share the successes achieved by RVC volunteers in August 2021

Chisinau city

In the summer, new volunteers joined the volunteer projects, who are ready to create, help and actively participate in the activities of the RVC. Every month we have trainings with a psychologist on various topics. The topic of this training is: My motivation. The volunteers identified the main motivations that drive people to do good, and were also able to determine their personal motivation. During this training, our psychologist spoke about the main values ​​of volunteers. After the meeting, each participant was pleased with the useful and informative information.

Creative projects are one of the most attractive projects for volunteers. The Fresh Wall project is aimed at improving the territory of kindergartens and schools. Volunteers continue to actively participate in the project. Approaching the first of September, we decided to help the kindergarten №80, with the improvement of the children’s gazebos. Together with the children and educators, we have chosen a drawing that will be of interest to everyone. We took the fairy tale «Kolobok» as a basis. Most of it has already been painted and appeared in bright colors on the walls, but soon the drawing will be completed and on September 1, when the children go to the kindergarten, they will be happy with the bright drawing. At the “Heritage” school, the drawing is also at the finishing stage and will be completely ready by September 1.

The cleanliness of our city leaves much to be desired, therefore our ecological project «Clean Chisinau» is actively continuing its activities. On August 22, volunteers cleaned the park in the Riscani sector on Dimo ​​street. A lot of non-recyclable garbage bags have been collected. The volunteers were shocked that people did not care about the nature and cleanliness of their hometown, where they spend their daily time, but they were satisfied that they were able to cleanse the city at least a little.

By the beginning of the new academic year, from August 1 to August 23, the volunteer center, together with volunteers who are ready to provide charitable assistance, launched an annual charity event «Bag to school» to collect office supplies and various school supplies for children from low-income families. Volunteers from the Russian Exhibition Center, as well as organizations, took part in the collection of school kits within the framework of this action. 25 families from disadvantaged families received gifts to help them start a successful school year. Each child received a backpack, notebooks, a pencil case filled with various pens, and, of course, a set for creativity.

Rybnitsa city

Project «Shabbat Online» in Rybnitsa

On August 20, senior members of the Community from Rybnitsa took part in an online Shabbat prepared with the support of the volunteers of the «Origins of Charity» project

We met again online to light Shabbat candles and share the evening with wonderful company. The year 5781 comes to an end, the last month of Elul is coming. Volunteer of the «Origins of Mercy» project Alexander told us that this time is given to us to prepare for Rosh Hashanah — on teshuva. He reminded us of the deep meaning of this word.

To put it simply, «teshuva» is when a person realizes that he has done something bad, decides not to do it anymore, asks for forgiveness from the offended person and from the universe, and, finally, corrects, if possible, the consequences of his actions.

To sum up the year and remember all the joyful things that happened to us in 5781, Sasha held an interesting quiz «Jewish Year». We remembered the traditions and customs of the holidays, and at the same time trained our memory well.

Also thanks to volunteer Lilia Braga for hosting the traditional part of Shabbat.

Project «Congratulations» in Rybnitsa

During August, volunteers of the Sources of Mercy project congratulated the elderly people of the month on their birthday.

In August, volunteers congratulated 10 elderly members of the Jewish Community, of course, on adhering to Covid-19 prevention measures.

As the volunteers themselves admit, the most pleasant thing in this volunteer work is to see the reaction of people — a pleasant surprise, joy, a sincere smile and words of gratitude. There is a clear benefit for both the volunteer and the elderly person. This is especially true for lonely, people with limited mobility — they really need it. Especially when a person does not at all hope to hear someone on this day, here it is not just valuable, but vital.

Shana Tova campaign in Rybnitsa

On August 27, the Shana Tova charity event, timed to coincide with the upcoming Rosh Hashanah holiday, ended in Rybnitsa.

The implementation of the action began with volunteer work to inform the members of the Jewish Community. At this stage, 3 volunteers took part. From 16 to 26 August, food was collected directly. I would like to note the response of the caring people of our Community — this cannot but rejoice on the eve of the Rosh Hashanah holiday.

Volunteers of the «Origins of Mercy» project helped to form food packages and deliver them to 16 Hesed clients.

The kits have pleased lonely and needy elderly people in Rybnitsa and the neighboring town of Rezina. This action is an excellent example of the unity and unity of the Community, as well as an opportunity to show mercy and help those who really need it.

The «Shana Tova» promotion was carried out within 4 hours. Thank you very much to the volunteers for taking the time, and we did a good deed together!