RVC joined the EcoLocal Asociația Consumatorilor și Producătorilor Eco și Artizanali Fair

For several years now, the Republican Volunteer Center has run the Healthy Vitamin Box project, which aims to help poor elderly people in the community provide a healthy monthly food basket.

Our republic is full of delicious and healthy fruits and vegetables that contain the necessary vitamins for all ages.

The RVC joined the EcoLocal Asociația Consumatorilor și Producătorilor Eco și Artizanali fair, which presented only organic food products from Moldovan farmers and producers.

In a short period of time, we managed to collect kits for five elderly people who received useful boxes.

Everyone could take part in the action, it was necessary to purchase products from local farmers on the spot and leave them in our box.

We would like to express our special thanks to the organizers of the fair for the opportunity to introduce people to our project and tell about its importance.

And also thanks to our producers and farmers: Iarba Noastră, Paste Cuca, Paradis, Vera Druţa, Gori’s Tomatoes, Lolly Berry, apitera-lisî, Fetescu X, Furnaki Bakery, as well as the participants who purchased and contributed to the project.

As we said, together we were able to put together 5 complete sets that contained everything you need: noodles, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, parsley, dill, lettuce, honey, sea buckthorn, bread, hummus and grapes.

But we don’t stop there! As part of the Sukkot holiday, together with the RVC volunteers, the Haverim youth platform and participants in family programs, we were able to harvest in the vineyards of our country and hand over the freshly harvested grapes to the participants of the Healthy Vitamin Box project. Since we managed to collect enough products at the fair, it was decided to add them to our grapes. As a result, we got good, and most importantly, necessary and useful sets for our wards.

Of course, our project does not stop there, and already in November we will assemble new boxes. They will be filled with seasonal products, which our elderly people will be able to get as a result. The November basket will include broccoli, mushrooms, viburnum, pumpkin, beets and more.

Also, together with our volunteers, we will definitely join the fairs that take place in our city, so that as many people as possible can learn about both the Volunteer Center and the project and join us.

Only through the support of each other can we make our world a better place and help those who need it.