RVC achievements in March!

Let’s talk about the highlights of March in RVC!

March started with joy and children’s smiles! As part of the «Bring Joy» campaign dedicated to the Purim holiday, we pleased 40 children from risk groups with sweets: 25 children from large and low-income families, as well as 15 refugee children from Ukraine. RVC volunteers, guests of JCC KEDEM and local organizations, which produce sweets, joined the action. We collected 95 kg of sweets, which we packaged into sets and handed out to the children at a Gatsby-themed Purim party.

Last month, in the direction of working with children, an excursion was also held to the Museum. A.S. Pushkin. The meeting was held as part of the «How it works» project. On the tour, the children got acquainted with the life and work of the poet during his stay in Moldova.

Our project «About self-love» continues to delight our beneficiaries. As part of Purim, we held an online meeting of the project «About self-love» for the elderly. Our volunteers Anastasia Tikhomirova and Marina Botsan recalled the history of the holiday, discussed the feat of Queen Esther and talked about female beauty, tenderness and strength.

For the second meeting, we invited Svetlana Boltovskaya, a professional make-up artist with extensive experience in television and various filming. Svetlana held an online master class for Hesed clients, where she shared tips on age-related makeup. Tatyana Viktorovna acted as a model, she was delighted with the result, and the elderly took note that makeup can be not only bright and heavy, but also soft and natural.

In addition to Purim, we also celebrated International Women’s Day in honor of the day of women’s solidarity in the struggle for their rights. Our volunteers warmly and sincerely congratulated the women of golden age and presented them with beautiful and pleasant gifts.

Also last month we had a big opening of the season of environmental events!

On March 16, our volunteers, together with the students of the Herzl Jewish Lyceum, planted seedlings in the Shipka park, which was badly damaged last year by climatic cataclysms. The trees were kindly provided by the management of the Botanical Garden as part of a partnership. The seedlings were dug out of the garden by the skillful hands of our volunteers. 73 sprouts of various trees and shrubs were dug out in 2 days!

On March 18th, an action took place in cooperation with EcoDava and Mother Earth Tabor in c. Panasheshti. 25 volunteers of the Republican Volunteer Center helped to clean the territory of WakePark from the garbage that remains here after picnics. This space will be used in the future for various active events.

Volunteers also took part in preparing acorns for planting in Kodry. Acorns were placed in special bags with soil so that they could germinate and turn into large and beautiful oak trees.

On March 26, the volunteers of the Republican Volunteer Center, together with the participants of the Haverim MP, took part in an environmental campaign to clean up the Jewish cemetery in Chisinau. In the process of work, in addition to collecting garbage, dense thickets, dried branches, as well as everything that spoiled the view and interfered with the passage of people were cut.

Such events allow people to unite around an important common goal — the preservation of nature and the memory of our ancestors. We hope that our work will draw attention to environmental issues and inspire others to join us in this difficult but very important cause.