ROOMs: International Women’s Day

Most recently, on the eve of March 8, the Volunteer Center held an event for women — ROOMs.

At all times and peoples, a woman has been associated with strength, light, wisdom and love. It is from women that the mood in the family and the well-being of children depend. We decided that day to give them an island of calm within the walls of our KEDEM. Many participants came with their children, our volunteers have prepared a special program for the little ones, so that they also spend time with interest and benefit. The main event was divided into three blocks. Three conditional rooms opened before the participants during the meeting: Nutrition, Psychology and Art.

In the first block devoted to nutrition, we talked about foods that relieve stress and increase stress resistance. A little later, a discussion took place with a psychologist, where the topic “I and my environment” was raised, namely, building relationships and relationships between people. An interactive session where we discussed the importance of communication and dialogue. A very hot topic these days. A little later, after a coffee break, an art workshop took place, where all the invited women learned to draw coffee. In total, our event was attended by 50 people, in addition to our local girls, there were many participants from Ukraine.

After the event, our women left filled with warmth and hope, and we are glad that even in such a difficult time, we all manage to make each other’s life a little better.