«Remembering the Past»: International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust

On January 27, events dedicated to the Holocaust Remembrance Day are held all over the world.

This is a day of remembrance for those who died in the terrible events of the war years, this is a day of sorrow and mourning. But also in these days it is important to pass on the days from generation to generation of history, memories of those terrible ones. Our task today is to live, to remember the terrible catastrophe of the first half of the 20th century, in order to prevent the repetition of the events of the past in the future.

The Republican Volunteer Center considers it its duty to hold a meeting, the name of which speaks for itself — «Remembering the Past». Meetings of this format are held from year to year with RVC volunteers. They are aimed at getting acquainted with the history, the fate of eyewitnesses of those terrible years. Thus, we honor the memory of all those who died during the Holocaust.

“Remembering the Past” is a conversation with a participant in those terrible events, in which we will not talk about genocide, anti-Semitism and Nazism in plain text. It is important for us to hear, to see a Person who survived these events and looked at Life in a different way. It is important for us to live in order to remember!

-January 30, 15:00 online interview with Iosif Davidovich Belous — Chairman of the Association of Former Prisoners of Ghettos and Concentration Camps of Moldova.

Iosif Davidovich, a survivor of the Rybnitsa ghetto, professor of economics, in 2000 was recognized as «Person of the Year» by the American Institute of Bibliography. Now he is 82 years old and he is ready to remember the past together with us for the sake of a peaceful future.

“The best way to get to know history is to meet it face to face.” We will get acquainted online with an eyewitness and recall various episodes of history, the main character will talk about the period of life during the years of the Holocaust and how, despite the incredible trials of fate, one can remain a strong person. During the meeting with the elderly hero of the program, participants will be able to ask their questions. At the end of the program, a film of the RVC will be presented, telling about the personal stories of the members of the Community. Iosif Davidovich will share his memories of the events that left an indelible mark on his life, and together we will try to understand how to live life with all its difficulties and at the same time preserve the Human in ourselves, and at the same time peace on Earth no matter what! Importantly, we can hear the story first hand.

During the meeting, you will have a conversation with Joseph Davidovich, watching a documentary based on the memories of the elderly who survived the Second World War, as well as a unique opportunity to ask questions to an eyewitness of those terrible events in world history.

To participate in the event, you must connect via the ZOOM link or visit the official RVC Facebook page on the day of the event.

Infoline: Olga 060184358, 069020369