Projects for seniors ONLINE

Exactly one year has passed since the introduction of the state of emergency on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Quarantine, compliance with all preventive measures, self-isolation regime, we all went through and continue to go through this. Peo

Exactly one year has passed since the introduction of the state of emergency on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Quarantine, compliance with all preventive measures, self-isolation regime, we all went through and continue to go through this.

People of the golden age faced special difficulties, because they are the most susceptible to the virus. Forced to stay at home, they just need socialization and live communication, at least in the online format.

Especially for such elderly people, the team of the Republican Volunteer Center decided to conduct online programs that would help our grandparents to socialize and not feel locked up. At the moment we have 20 thematic programs that we run in ZOOM-e.

For example, in the program «KultProSvet» we talk about the news of theater, art and cinema. We ardently discuss our favorite actors, read poems to each other, recall the biographies of writers and musicians.

At the “World Tours” meetings, we discover other countries and cities. We walk along the cobbled streets of Europe, enjoy the architecture and historical monuments.

The Everyone in the Garden program aims to study plants. It is during these meetings that we learn how to transplant flowers and properly care for them.

“Erudite” is about knowledge. At these meetings we do crossword puzzles, and the elderly always teach volunteers something new. New knowledge for volunteers, exciting pastime for the elderly.

We treat our Friday meetings with special trepidation — “Shabbat Online”. It is then that we light up the meetings, listen to the weekly chapters from Yakov Iosifovich, devote time to viewing and discussing parables and meet Queen Shabbat.

Of course, these are not all programs, we also have “Connect”, where volunteers teach seniors to use various programs on the computer and on the Internet. “Meetings with a psychologist”, in which we talk about various life difficulties and ways to overcome them. «Workshop», where we learn to independently eliminate breakdowns in the house, as well as:

  • Birthdays
  • From generation to generation
  • In touch
  • School repair
  • Who if not us
  • Workshop
  • Back to the Future
  • Hotline / informing
  • Call Center
  • crazy hands
  • Cook together
  • It’s great to live
  • Equal to equal

In addition to online programs, our volunteers call the elderly, inquire about their health, needs and inform them about the current state of affairs.