«Bring Joy» summing up

From year to year, we pay special attention to the holiday dedicated to the salvation of the Jews in the Persian kingdom more than 2400 years ago — Purim.

Throughout these years, Purim has emphasized the values on which the Jewish community rests: human relations, mutual assistance, loyalty to spiritual ideals and commandments, and the preservation of one’s identity. This year, Purim fell on difficult days for everyone, we are doing everything to support each other, to be near and help. Jewish Community of Moldova, The Kishinev Jacobs Jewish Campus and we, Volunteer Center RVC, did our best to make Purim feel for everyone. We have prepared gift

Purim sets were presented to all members of the Jewish communities of Ukraine living in temporary accommodation centers in Moldova, Jewish lyceums, the Jewish library and the Jewish kindergarten. All this would not have been possible without our sponsors: Carlevana and Supermarket Nr1, who provided us with kosher wine for the holiday and fresh Gomentashi.

On this Purim, we want to wish everyone and everyone the simplest and most necessary things: do not be afraid to love, take care of people close to your heart, and most importantly, take care of the person in yourself. Purim Sameach!