Presentation of the Photo Exhibition “Chisinau Citizens of the 20th Century”

On the 20th of January took place a general Shabbat for all generations and the presentation of the photo exhibition “Chisinau Citizens of the 20th Century”.

Are you not familiar with our project “Chisinau Citizens of the 20th Century”? In short, this a creative, educational, and social voluntary project that fronts as one of the ways to develop the modern society. It consist out of a special sequence of events and meetings that help to overcome or fight away social loneliness of the elderly, save glimpses of memory, and develop social connection between the city and Jewish Community.

On the traditional meet-up of Saturday participated the members of the teenage platform Haverim, as well as the participants of the “Chisinau Citizens of the 20th Century” themselves: volunteers and the elderly.

During the year while the project is active, more than 50 volunteers and 400 elders participated in the event. One of the event that was created inspired by similar motif is “Let’s go to Museum” in collaboration with the Daily Center Hesed. Meet-ups were hosted by the professional lectors as a voluntary gift. They provided us with the detailed history of the city, while elderly were happy to share they personal, more local experiences and memories of their youth.

During the events, we presented a photo exhibition referencing our online journal that is planning to expend the historical base and continue to explore the topic further within volunteers and possible partners, meanwhile promoting the Republican Voluntary Center. This project is a great representation of the true values of RVC to be exact keeping the connection between generations, cherishing the history and culture of the Jewish nation in our homeland, as well as transmitting the basic values from a generation to other.

Online Journal of the project: