Planting trees in partnership with the Lyceum

On March 16, an environmental campaign was held with the support of the Botanical Garden and «Pretura sectorului Rîşcani».

Together with students of the Jewish Lyceum ORT named after. B.Z. Herzl, seedlings were planted in the Shipka Memorial Park. The park was weathered by the natural disasters of 2022, so the RVC team decided to come out in support of the municipal needs. A large-scale unique action was carried out, the results of which will delight any generation of city residents for many years to come.

The action spread out for a week and included a number of meetings and events:

  • Meeting in the Botanical Garden at the State University of the Republic of Moldova to discuss and plan municipal needs between the volunteers of the Center;
  • After that, an open meeting was held to inform about the activities of the RVC and the Haverim youth platform with students of the Lyceum of the ORT named after. B.Z. Herzl;
  • Preparation of seedlings by specialists and subsequent information for volunteers and volunteers — refugees from Ukraine;
  • The action ended with the joint planting of more than fifty new plants.

Making the world a better place isn’t hard at all. For example, if every resident of the city plants at least one tree, this will make Chisinau much greener and cleaner. Any good deed, even the smallest one, is already a great contribution to the development of society and the country.

Well, we express our deep gratitude to our partners:

  • The Botanical Garden at the State University, which provided seedlings, full information about plants for volunteers, as well as free admission to the park.
  • «Pretura sectorului Rîşcani» and municipal enterprise Asociația de Gospodărire Spații Verzi of the city of Chisinau for their help in preparing the park location for planting
  • To the students and the administration of the Lyceum ORT named after. B.Z. Herzl BEC
  • Hesed for help in logistics. Action coordinators: Adel Bechetnikova, Liliya Kurosh, Pavel Teshu.