Organizations that took part in Good Deeds Day 2021

This week becomes the final one in the «Good Deeds Day» event in Moldova!

This week becomes the final one in the «Good Deeds Day» event in Moldova!

This event, which is annually held in more than 100 countries of our world, and which unites all volunteers, volunteers, everyone who does good deeds, makes the world better and brighter! Despite the difficult events that are taking place in the world and in our country, we still managed to organize the kindest event of the year.

More than 1300 people took part in a real holiday of kindness and selflessness this year! The great advantage of the event is that absolutely everyone can participate, regardless of age, social status, place of residence, religion and nationality! This year also added the ability to participate online.

We sincerely thank all the participants of the Good Deeds Day! We are grateful to you for helping to develop and make the holiday bigger! Thank you for supporting such ideas, doing good deeds, ready to help people disinterestedly, ready to make our world a better place!

Do good selflessly! Believe me, there is nothing nicer than the happy eyes of those you help! Our good deeds give us hope for a better life!