New project «PROF SKILL»

On Friday, the first meeting of volunteers with the elderly was held as part of the PROF SKILL project!

We have already said that PROF SKILL is a project based on real stories of older people. During the meetings, participants talk about various professions, remind young people that the professional world is not limited to IT or the economy. It is wide, diverse and everyone will find an activity that will appeal to everyone. The goal of our project is to help volunteers decide what they would like to do in life, what profession to master. Find your calling.

The project was opened by Shinkareva Tamara Ilyinichna, who shared her professional history in a fascinating way. All her life she worked in medicine as a phthisio-pulmonologist. Already at the age of 14, the woman decided that medicine was her way when she faced health problems at such a young age. The very young Tamara, being a patient in the hospital, even then went with the attending physician to visit patients in her spare time from procedures. Then she entered the institute, where she carried out instructions from experienced doctors and laboratory assistants, but she always strived for more.

After 6 years of study (I would like to note that she studied perfectly, and in confirmation of this at our meeting she showed a record from a cherished book) Tamara Ilyinichna decided on the specialty to which she devoted her whole life — a phthisio-pulmonologist. For 54 years (!) she was engaged in medical practice and research work. She has several research projects to her credit.

In 1972, she defended her dissertation and was awarded the title of candidate of medical sciences. Even a break of 4 years due to family reasons did not shake her professional principles, and she continued her practice. She ended her professional career just a few years ago. Neither children nor grandchildren followed her path, but she wisely accepted their decision, realizing that medicine, like any other field, requires personal affection and interest.

“Any business must be approached with love, and if the soul does not lie, then it’s not worth taking on,” Tamara Ilyinichna addressed the youth at the end of the meeting with these words.

The meeting was held in a very cozy and friendly atmosphere. Young volunteers did not let Tamara Ilyinichna go for a long time and, over a cup of tea, they asked questions of interest to them individually. We hope that such meetings will help the children find their calling and choose their life’s work!