Master class of the «Healthy Vitamin Box» project

As part of our Healthy Vitamin Box project, we decided to fix the unhealthy diet and devote the day to healthy food.

Modern man lives in a fairly fast pace of life, often forgetting about really important things. For example, about healthy eating. How often do we not care about what we eat during the day? How often do we intercept something on the run and then rush to do things? For many, this happens every day.

As part of our Healthy Vitamin Box project, we decided to fix the unhealthy diet and devote the day to healthy food.

On October 31, volunteers of the Healthy Vitamin Box project attended a master class on cooking healthy, healthy food at the OLIVA restaurant. As part of the master class, the chef of the OLIVA restaurant chain, Emil Bozhsku, demonstrated how to prepare 3 vegetarian dishes: salad, pasta with spinach and pumpkin soup.

The meeting turned out to be very interesting and informative. All participants received new knowledge and were charged with positive energy.

In this master class, volunteers not only learned how to cook healthy meals, but subsequently shared the recipes with the elderly and families who also take part in our Healthy Vitamin Box project.