Healthy Vitamin Box: summing up the interim results

Not so long ago, the Healthy Vitamin Box project was launched at the volunteer center. The time has come to summarize the interim results.

The warm season is an amazing time, rich in events, emotions and seasonal products. This is what inspired us to launch the Healthy Vitamin Box social volunteer project. To date, three months have passed since the start of our new project — Healthy Vitamin Box, so we want to tell you a little more about it.

Healthy Vitamin Box is a social volunteer project aimed at helping 50 participants, its mission is to provide a monthly food basket to low-income seniors and families in the community. All this became possible thanks to our partners: local organizations, manufacturers of fresh, packaged, canned foods, as well as specialists in the field of forming a balanced and seasonal diet.

During the months of the project’s existence, namely May, June and July, a lot of work has been done. With the help of our partners, we have provided fruits, vegetables and cereals for 40 elderly people and 10 families at risk. Cool? Definitely!

We packed 100 kg into boxes for the elderly. cherries from the farmer Sergey Ivanov. 50 kg. zucchini, 50 kg. apricot, 50 kg. wheat flour 50 bunches of dill, 50 bunches of onions, 50 bunches of parsley and dill, 25 kg. sweet pepper, 50 kg. pearl barley, also 50 pack. sesame seeds and dried fruits thanks to the help of Kivork.

Having received the food, 15 of our volunteers packaged and distributed Healthy Vitamin Boxes to their addressees. But that’s not all! As part of our project, we regularly hold meetings with nutritionist Lukiyan Lyudmila — at which we discuss the benefits of seasonal products. Knowledge is power!

Doing good deeds is easy! Help others and this world will become a little better!