Healthy Vitamin Box — new project!

Healthy Vitamin Box este un proiect de voluntariat social menit să ajute persoanele în vârstă cu venituri reduse și familiile din comunitate să ofere lunar un coș alimentar.

Healthy Vitamin Box is a social volunteer project designed to help low-income seniors and families in the community provide a monthly food basket.

The tendency to eat healthy is gaining momentum around the world every year. The ability to properly combine foods and use variety in your diet helps maintain the health of your body.

The goal of the Healthy Vitamin Box project is primarily to provide healthy food assistance to needy seniors and at-risk families in the community by interacting with local partner organizations and producers of fresh, prepackaged and canned food, and providing clients with a professional support project. and education in creating a balanced and seasonal diet.

Fresh vegetables and fruits should be at least 60% of the food box. The fewer processing steps there are, the more useful the product retains its properties.

The main idea of the project is the partnership with local producers of fresh vegetables and fruits, factories and producers, healthy branded stores and nutritionists. Partners are offered the opportunity to provide voluntary production / shop / greenhouse assistance in exchange for a monthly food supply for 50 project clients.

We are looking for volunteers for whom a healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle!