Healthy Vitamin Box

At the beginning of summer, with the support of our sponsors, we launched a social volunteer project — Healthy Vitamin Box.

The main goal of the project is to help 50 participants, namely the poor elderly and the families of the community, in providing a monthly food basket.

In the first half of September, our volunteers delivered Healthy Boxes to 50 elderly people and families in the community. This time our wards received large sets of vitamins for August and September. Thanks to the support of the KIWORK company, we purchased the following products with which we filled our Healthy Vitamin Box: 100 kg. apples, 28 kg. nectarine, 50 kg. millet, 30 kg. bulgur. Also 35 kg were bought. cauliflower, 45 kg. eggplant, 20 kg. beets, 20 kg. carrots, 10 kg. onions, 20 kg. pears. In addition, our volunteers made apple jam in honor of the Rosh Hashanah holiday. As a result, we got 35 cans, which also went to the elderly.

All this was completely impossible without our volunteers and their teamwork! Five volunteers were engaged in making jam, 15 volunteers packed food, and seven people delivered all the goodies to the addressees.

The Healthy Vitamin Box project is a great start to start leading a healthy lifestyle and helping all those who really need it so badly. We are glad that for several months now we have been able to promote the culture of a healthy lifestyle to the masses, while helping our wards. Thanks to our partners and volunteers who make everything possible. Further more!