Hanukkah Box from RVC 5783

Volunteers of the RVC are always happy to help and spread joy. These are not just sweet words, as 15 volunteers of the voluntary center participated in the assembling and packaging process of the Healthy Vitamin Box. Their fruitful work resulted in 120 r

Throughout the year, in RVC was active “Healthy Vitamin Box” project that focuses on partnership with different organizations and companies for a greater good: filling up the grocery baskets of the elderly with the healthiest products.

From 18th to 25th of December, Jewish nation celebrates Hanukkah, the celebration of the light and kindness. Republican Voluntary Center in cooperation with the Jewish Community RM have organized special kits for the grandmothers and grandfathers from Chisinau, Balti and Ribnita to fill the lives of the elderly with the magical light.

Every kit included local goods and traditional donuts and menorahs, of course, as they are the most important attributes if the celebration.

Наши волонтеры рады помогать и делать добрые дела и это не только слова, ведь в создании подарочных наборов приняло участие 15 волонтеров Центра, сплоченная работы которых позволила собрать целых 120 Healthy Vitamin box. Для того, чтобы наборы были доставлены по адресам на помощь откликнулись не только наши добровольцы, но и их родители, а также родители участников программ для детей.

Our volunteers are happy to help and spread joy. These are not just sweet words, as 15 volunteers of the voluntary center participated in the assembling and packaging process of the Healthy Vitamin Box. Their fruitful work resulted in 120 ready to go boxes. Not only our volunteers, but also their parent were ready help to deliver the boxes to the doorsteps of the receivers.

The delivery process of the present prepared for the Hanukkah celebration has showed that there are things that unite us and fill us with the positive energy, as we go good things for others, we always get some good back in return.

We are thankful for everyone who participated in this magical event!