Good Deeds Day Map 2021

Map of Good Deeds Day in the Republic of Moldova 2021 can be downloaded from the link in this news

We waited, prepared and finally, in the period from May 23 to June 6, Good Deeds Day took place throughout Moldova.

It was organized by the team of the Republican Volunteer Center, which managed to attract another 56 cities and towns across the country to participate in this event. In total, 128 volunteer actions took place on this day, in which more than 1300 people with kind hearts, open to help, took part.

Volunteers from the capital and the regions visited children in hospitals, boarding schools and temporary accommodation centers, planted trees and flowers in green areas and parks, cleaned public areas, kindergartens and boarding schools, helped the elderly, and also supported doctors in this difficult time for the whole world. These are just a few of the promotions that took place from May 23 to June 6.

The holiday of help and kindness would not have taken place without the support of partners and sponsors, who not only provided material and financial assistance, but also took part in promotions.

All promotions and their locations can be found in the map of «Good Deeds Day» 2021 — Goode Deeds Day Map 2021 (file)