Gifts for volunteers

Every year RVC expands, more and more volunteers join us, we expand the scope of activities, doing more and more good deeds every day.

Volunteers and coordinators of the Center try to cover the needs of all people from risk groups and as well as many others. In addition, the volunteers of the Center participate in environmental campaigns, cooperate with the city administration, trying to make the world around them a better place.

Мы очень благодарны всем, кто присоединяется к нашему движению и всем небезразличным. В добровольческой деятельности важно понимать, что зачастую и сами волонтеры нуждаются в добрых словах, помощи и поддержке.

We are very grateful to everyone who joins our movement and everyone who cares. In volunteering, it is important to understand that volunteers themselves often need kind words, help and support.

Today we say: «Thank you!» JOINT for this very support. More recently, the organization has allocated sets of hats and gloves that will be used by our volunteers during the cool season, so that nothing will hinder them on their way to good deeds.

Join the volunteer movement and let’s change this world together!
