Eighth award ceremony “Volunteer of the Year” was hosted in Moldova.

В это воскресенье, 4 декабря прошла 8 церемония вручения премии «Волонтер года» в Республиканском Волонтерском Центре, как и все годы подряд, Церемония была приурочена к Международному дню добровольца.

On the 4th of December, eighth award ceremony “Volunteer of the Year” was hosted in the Republican Volunteer Center. As all the years before, the ceremony was timed to the national day of the volunteer.

Throughout 8 years of hosting this even, more than 465 people have received this cherished award. RVC team has shown their gratitude to all actives volunteers of the Center by by highlighting every single one in a different category.

Our volunteers have become the owners of the “HAI” statuette, what means “life” in Hebrew. This year we have established nine nominations:

1.     TOP 10. In the nomination we have gave the flowers to the 10 most active volunteers in 2022.

2.     Urgent voluntary help – seven volunteers have been calling elderly people from the Ukraine, answering the calls of the refugees in the hotline, worked in the centers that welcomed refugees and delivered humanitarian help.

3.     Volunteering as a lifestyle – six volunteers that are a part of the RVC team for several years now and are ready to help anytime.

4.     Breakthrough of the year. Thirteen volunteers have been a revelation in different ways.

5.     Unity. Twelve volunteers of “The Origins of Mercy” project from Balti, Tiraspol, Ribnita.

6.     On the line – seven active volunteers of the “Call Center” project that always keep in touch with the people in need.

7.      Partner of the year – this year the RVC team has decided to highlight all the 34 partners that were actively participating in the voluntary activities like Good Deeds Day and “The Origins of Mercy” project.

8.     Best voluntary event 2022 – GOO DEESDS DAY – five of the most active organizations under the #DoingGood movement.

9.     Worker of the year – 14 people that help in the process of development of our projects. The ones that work in a team and develop volunteering in Moldova.

Award ceremony “Volunteer of the Year” – the most long awaited event for the volunteers. This is a day for and about volunteers. On the 4th of December, 200 volunteers, partners of the center and coordinators have been spending time together in relax environment and have been inspiring each other to continue the voluntary activity in the 2023.