Educational seminar for the new volunteers of the Call Center project

Not long ago, the first educational seminar of this year for the new volunteers of the Call Center project took place.

Not long ago, the first educational seminar of this year for the new volunteers of the Call Center project took place.

The seminar was attended by 10 new project volunteers, who had little experience in communicating with the elderly by telephone, as well as those who had long wanted to join the project, but did not have the necessary information for effective activities within the project.

For maximum convenience and efficiency, the seminar was conditionally divided into 2 parts: theoretical and practical. Liudmila Siomina-Gitsu, psychologist and supervisor of the Call Center project, introduced new volunteers to the project, shared the necessary knowledge about the psychology of age, discussed the basic rules for communicating with the elderly on the phone and more.

In the second part, the volunteers, based on the conversation with the already experienced volunteers of the project Elena Zhilina and Antonina Pizhevskaya, tried to lead the conversation themselves, practiced the writing of the call text and had several dialogues in a playful form on the previously prepared portraits of the elderly. Thus, we discussed what difficulties a volunteer may face during the activity and how to prevent misunderstandings from the elderly person at the other end of the telephone line.

The educational seminars of the Call Center project are organized twice a year, but those who want to join the project can do it right now! After all, volunteers receive training with a psychologist twice a month, during which time experienced volunteers share their experience, and a professional psychologist — project supervisor provides the tools needed to start volunteering.

In July, we are expanding the project and launching the first group conferences for the elderly on various topics, as part of the RVC RADIO project. If you want to share interesting information and talk on the phone, we are waiting for you in our comfortable RVC Call Center office specially equipped for a comfortable communication!

If you want to join the Call Center project, the coordinator Olga will be happy to answer all your questions — 060184358