Become a participant of Good Deeds Day movement in Moldova!


The Republican Volunteer Center for the eight time joins the worldwide movement «Good Deeds Day», which unites residents in more than 109 countries of the world. Millions of people, thousands of organizations and companies around the world come together every year to help others for free. Republican Volunteer Center is the official representative of «Good Deeds Day» in Moldova.

Republican Volunteer Center is the official representative of «Good Deeds Day» in Moldova.

4,000 volunteers, 70 locations, 100 partner organizations

How to become a participant?

-We invite commercial and non-commercial organizations to join us and organize their own action within the framework of the «Day of Good Deeds». You yourself can propose a type of activity and recruit your own group of volunteers. Registration -Anyone who wants to take part in a volunteer action as part of the Good Deeds Day can fill out an online form. You can choose the type of activity from several of the promotions below. However, you can participate only in one!Registration -Become a partner of the worldwide Good Deeds Day movement in Moldova! Your contribution matters!

0 (69) 020369, 022 509-646, 0 (68) 093523 Iulia, 0 (79) 006890 Alexandra Chisinau , 0(68) 093861 Ana Moldova [email protected] |