April achievements of RVC volunteers

In April, our volunteers participated in a training from a psychologist on «The characteristics of the age of children aged 3-14?».

In April, our volunteers participated in a training from a psychologist on «The characteristics of the age of children aged 3-14?». After completing this training, the volunteers learned about the peculiarities that appear in children at a certain age, about their interests and preferences, as well as what you should pay attention to when planning your courses, so that all the information presented is better perceived. and assimilated. by our participants. This knowledge will help volunteers understand the format of the courses and the use of the necessary games through which the information is worth presenting.

In the project «The new life of a subject», we created a necessary and very necessary thing for all those who like to read books. Our volunteer gave an interesting master class on creating bookmarks for colored paper books. Participants created an incredibly beautiful butterfly sign for a book using origami, then decorated them with patterns using pencils.

An important meeting for volunteers was an educational session, in which we analyzed various games that can be used when teaching children in ZOOMe. Thanks to these games, our courses have become more interesting and informative, because the information through children’s games is better remembered.

The Seder Pesach Community took place on April 1, with the participation of our elders and volunteers. More than 30 seniors and project participants were able to connect online to this event, which they had been waiting for so long. The program was very busy as always. We remembered what each product on keare meant. We also shared the personal traditions of the family associated with this holiday. We exchanged experience and knowledge about cleaning the dough house, we sorted all types of cereals that can turn into chametz. We sang songs, talked and sent sincere congratulations to each other from different cities of the republic

On April 18, volunteers from the «Origins of Mercy» project in Chisinau met with volunteers from the regions. Together, we organized a creative action «Creative Commotion». Thanks to this action, our seniors will receive postcards made by the hands of volunteers from other cities during May. We will send the postcards made by our volunteers to the elderly in Balti, the postcards from Rybnitsa will be sent to Chisinau, the handicrafts from the volunteers from Balti will cheer up the elderly in Transnistria. So we held creative master classes in three cities at the same time and, very soon, we will delight our grandparents with nice letters !!

On April 25, a one-day educational seminar was held for volunteers of the «Origins of Mercy» project. The workshop was intended for already experienced volunteers, in order to increase their personal effectiveness. On this day, our psychologist Lyudmila Semina — Gitsu gave an interesting lesson for volunteers on professional and emotional exhaustion, the volunteers learned about the principles of planning and allocating time and also took part in a brainstorming on project optimization. We managed to create 25 ideas for new projects and optimization options for existing ones, so that volunteering is as effective as possible for both volunteers and older project clients. In the near future, we intend to implement all these ideas and not stop here.