Announcement of the project «Jewish Calendar Year 5783»

We all use calendars every day. Electronic, desktop or wall-mounted — everyone has their own favorite format. Calendars help us plan our time, celebrate important dates and holidays.

We all use calendars every day. Electronic, desktop or wall-mounted — everyone has their own favorite format. Calendars help us plan our time, celebrate important dates and holidays.

Today we invite you to take part in a special project for us called «Jewish Calendar 5783». This project is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the tradition of the Jewish people, learn about the culture of the holidays, as well as realize your ideas and bring them to life in the new calendar for the year 5873.

One of the most important aspects of the project is the interaction between all generations. Between parents and children, educators and families, between the elderly and adolescents. We are convinced that through these relationships, the history of each holiday in the Jewish yearly cycle will be preserved.

Participants are waiting for: interesting and useful meetings with Jewish educators, studying Jewish holidays and spending time with friends.

If you are 16+, you have Jewish roots, you like to spend time with your family and children, to study the culture and traditions of the Jewish people, then we are waiting for you in our project.

If you have any questions or to make an appointment, call 079006890 — Alexandra.