Achievements for the month of July

Achievements for the month of July from RVC volunteers from Chisinau, Ribnita and Balti!

Chisinau city

After a short period of lull and the residual effects of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown, the Renovation School project is now much more active. Over the past two weeks, 4 voluminous and complex requests from HESED clients have been resolved: repairing a TV, laborious replacement of a door lock, repairing a door and securing it, repairing a picture frame, and repairing a mechanical calendar.

The call center informed 460 elderly clients of the precautions to be taken in the face of the increasing incidence of fraud in the city, during which many lonely elderly people have suffered. The health and safety of our grandparents is important to us! Also, during the call-informing, the elderly were told in detail about the work of the «School of Repair» project and the new project «RVC RADIO». We look forward to active participation of the elderly in these and other RVC projects.

Summer is a great time to volunteer. At the beginning of July, we had an action within the framework of the «Give a Paw» project. Our volunteers went to the animal shelter «Doctor Vet» and spent time actively helping the dogs and playing with the dogs. Our volunteers are very fond of animals and do not understand how to leave animals on the street. Thanks to volunteers, each animal receives affection and kindness, as well as care.

For two months already, the «Funny Mathematics» project has been working in the volunteer center. Our volunteers conduct math classes for children 8-10 years old. Classes are held in an active form, children repeat the topics covered at school, as well as new ones that will help them in school. In the classroom, volunteers and children solve examples of different complexity, logic problems and more.

Not so long ago, an offsite educational seminar was held for volunteers of the Origins of Mercy project from Chisinau, Balti, Rybnitsa. For 3 days, the volunteers managed to get to know each other, exchange experiences and projects, gain new knowledge and skills in working with the elderly, and also jointly compiled a list of new project ideas and activities that are ready to be implemented in the near future.

Thanks to lecturers, project coordinators in cities for their well-coordinated work and professionalism in conducting classes and events within the seminar.

We believe that the next seminar on the exchange of experience will be no less intense with emotions and we will be able to share our successes in the projects that started thanks to this seminar!

Balti city

Accompaniment by volunteers of the project «Origins of Mercy» children in the entertainment complex «OrheiLand».

The «Hesed Yaakov» business center in cooperation with the volunteers of the «Origins of Mercy» project organized an exciting excursion for children to «OrheiLand». There, the guys rode on rides and water slides, splashed in the pool, wandered through the maze. The most curious guys visited the upside-down house, the furnishings of which delighted them. The children had the opportunity to relax in the green area and play on the playground. Despite the hot weather, everyone was well rested.

Rybnitsa city

In July, a planning meeting for the «Origins of Mercy» project was held with volunteers from Rybnitsa.

The working meeting at the beginning of the month, as usual, was fruitful. The volunteers got acquainted with the upcoming events, including birthday greetings, a furniture repair workshop, online lectures, and a seminar for volunteers from 3 cities. We also discussed issues of accompanying elderly people in pairs.

The online meeting, thanks to which Hesed’s elderly clients «visited» 7 very interesting sights of Israel, was held thanks to the volunteers of the «Origins of Mercy» project.

In a pandemic, one of the ways to break out of everyday monotony is a virtual trip. This time, volunteer Alexander Taras took the elderly to some of the most famous places in Israel, attracting hundreds of tourists from all over the place. Here is the city of a thousand caves, Beit Guvrin, and the Dead Sea, and the Masada fortress, the old city of Jaffa and others. The volunteer tried to tell the most interesting facts and details about the history of these places, described them vividly enough, conveying his personal impressions of visiting the sights.